1830 Shore Blvd
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Phone: (718) 368-8515
Fax: (718) 368-8517
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed On
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Holiday (Thursday & Friday)
Christmas Holiday (December 24th & 25th)
New Year’s Holiday (December 31st & January 1st)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Washington’s Birthday
Memorial Day
Directions by Train
2, 3, 4 or 5 Lines:
Take the 2, 3, 4 or 5 to the Franklin Ave. Station/Eastern Pkwy, then transfer to the Shuttle train to the Prospect Park Station, then transfer to the Q or B Lines; take the Q or B Line to the Brighton Beach Station, then transfer to the eastbound B1 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach
D Line (West End):
Take the D Line to the 25th Ave. Station, then transfer to the eastbound B1 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach
F Line:
Take the F Line to the Ave. X Station, then transfer to the eastbound B1 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach
N Line (Sea Beach):
Take the N Line to the Bay Parkway / 86th St. Station, then transfer to the eastbound B1 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach
Q or B lines:
1. Take the B or Q train to the Sheepshead Bay Station and transfer to the B49 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach; or
2. Take the B or Q train to the Brighton Beach Station and transfer to the B1 bus to Kingsborough Community College in Manhattan Beach.
Directions by Bus
Take the B1 or the B49 bus to Kingsborough Community College at Oriental Boulevard and Mackenzie Street in Manhattan Beach.
Directions by Car
From Manhattan and Staten Island:
Take Belt Parkway eastbound to Exit 8A (Coney Island Ave.). Cross Coney Island Ave and continue along Guider Ave. to the traffic light. Turn right onto E. 12th St. for one block. Turn left onto Neptune Ave. at the traffic light. Turn right at traffic light onto Cass Pl. and proceed to the second traffic light. Turn right onto West End Ave. Turn left at second traffic light onto Oriental Blvd, which leads directly to the College.
From Queens:
Belt Pkwy westbound to Exit 8A (Coney Island Ave.). Turn right onto Voorhies Ave. Turn right at second traffic light to Sheepshead Bay Rd. At third traffic light turn right onto Emmons Ave. At second traffic light turn left onto West End Ave. Turn left at the third traffic light onto Oriental Blvd.